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After 100+ days of hiding from the media, His Fraudulency Joe Biden appeared on Jimmy Kimmel’s basement-rated late show and predicted a “mini-revolution” if the atrocity called Roe v. Wade is overturned by the Supreme Court.

Biden’s eliminationist rhetoric about mini-revolutions came just hours after police arrested a man with a gun and burglar tools in Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh’s neighborhood. Authorities claim he was determined to murder Kavanaugh. Why? Because in a leaked document, Kavanaugh signed on to overturn Roe. Police also say the man was upset over mass shootings.

And now Five-Dollar-a-Gallon Joe is on television speaking approvingly of “revolutions” should Roe v. Wade be overturned. This is the same Biden who encouraged unruly protests in front of Justices’ homes, despite a law that outlaws that exact thing.

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“I don’t think the country will stand for it,” Biden said of a possible Roe defeat in the Supreme Court on Kimmel. “If in fact the decision comes down the way it does, and these states impose the limitations they’re talking about, it’s going to cause a mini-revolution and they’re going to vote these folks out of office.”

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Joe is fomenting revolution?


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