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California station charging almost $10 per gallon

New Yorkers paying five bucks a gallon for gasoline may think things can’t get much worse — but in one California town, people are shelling out nearly double that for a fill-up

A Chevron station in the coastal village of Mendocino about 175 miles north of San Francisco was charging $9.60 a gallon for regular on Friday afternoon.

That’s more than $3 a gallon above the state average of $6.30, and $4.78 higher than the national average of $4.82, according to AAA.

But individual stations throughout the country are charging more than the average, including one LA station that topped $8 on Friday.

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Prices have also surged in New York, where the statewide average has hit $4.851, according to AAA — with the average in all boroughs except Staten Island topping $5 Saturday morning.

h/t CFP

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