sol icon Keep Your N95 Snug
Your N95 must form a seal to your face to work properly. Your breath must pass through the N95 and not around its edges. Jewelry, glasses, and facial hair can cause gaps between your face and the edge of the mask. The N95 works better if you are clean shaven. Gaps can also occur if your N95 is too big, too small, or it was not put on correctly.
To check for gaps, gently place your hands on the N95, covering as much of it as possible, then breathe out. If you feel air leaking out from the edges of the N95, or if you are wearing glasses and they fog up, it is not snug. Adjust the N95 and try again.

If you cannot get a tight seal, try a different size or style. Even if you cannot get the N95 sealed against your face, it will provide protection that is likely better than a cloth mask. Check for gaps every time you put on your N95.