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  • The war in Ukraine is disrupting strained global supply chains.

  • One commodity that has been hit is cooking oil. Together, Ukraine and Russia supply lots of it.

  • Below are local impacts in the US, UK, Indonesia, Germany, the Netherlands, India.

The global cooking-oil supply is taking a hit from the war in Ukraine, and it’s being felt all over the world, from Indonesian markets to fish-and-chips shops in the UK.

Russia and Ukraine collectively export close to two-thirds of the world’s sunflower oil, a main ingredient in many packaged and prepared foods, which has made finding sunflower and other vegetable oils more difficult, putting more pressure on a market already strained by extreme weather and droughts.

International consumers are struggling to stock up or find replacements: Shelves in Spain are empty, consumers in India are buying in bulk, and grocery stores in the UK have limited the number of bottles people can buy.

See also  CNN: What happens to weapons sent to Ukraine? The US doesn’t really know

h/t last one

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