Ukrainian forces were preparing for a potential increase in Russian attacks this weekend as Russia plans to celebrate Victory Day, the anniversary of the Soviet Union’s defeat of Nazi Germany in World War II.

As Russia has intensified its attacks in eastern Ukraine, a top Ukrainian official said more vulnerable civilians had been successfully evacuated from the besieged steel plant in Mariupol. 

Russian forces fired cruise missiles at the city of Odesa and bombarded other regions, but Ukrainian troops mounted a strong resistance in key areas.

Meanwhile on Friday, President Joe Biden announced an additional $150 million in aid, to include 25,000 155mm artillery rounds, counter-artillery radars, jamming equipment, and field equipment and spare parts. 

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Latest developments:

►Wendy Sherman, the State Department’s No. 2 official, on Saturday in Paris met with her counterparts from France, Germany and other allied countries to discuss Ukraine’s military needs and the growing threat to global food security caused by Russia’s invasion.

►At least one of Russia’s most advanced tanks – the T-90M – has been destroyed in the fighting, according to an assessment released Saturday by the United Kingdom’s defense intelligence agency.

►The U.N. called for the reopening of ports in Odesa so that food produced in Ukraine can help fill shortages in countries that depend on imports of grain. “Right now, Ukraine’s grain silos are full. At the same time, 44 million people around the world are marching towards starvation,” said David Beasley, World Food Program executive director.

►President Joe Biden and other G7 leaders will hold a virtual meeting Sunday morning with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy to discuss Russia’s war in Ukraine, including potential new sanctions on Russia.

Ukrainian official: More vulnerable civilians evacuated from Mariupol steel plant 

Iryna Vereshchuk, a deputy prime minister for Ukraine, said Saturday that “all women, children, and elderly people have been evacuated” from the Azovstal steel plant, the last Ukrainian holdout in the otherwise Russian-controlled city of Mariupol.