With dangerous levels of heat blanketing several regions of the United States, hydration is more important than ever. If you’re not taking in enough fluid to produce adequate sweat on a hot day, you may be more vulnerable to heat stroke. Dehydration can be caused by extreme heat, but it can also exacerbate other heat-related conditions like heat cramps.

So taking in liquids is crucial, but hydration can go beyond simply drinking water. The popular belief that we all need to be drinking eight cups a day to be truly hydrated persists, though it has been debunked again and again.

“There’s really no data behind the eight glasses of water a day thing,” said Dr. Dan Negoianu, a nephrologist at the University of Pennsylvania. For example, “just because your urine is dark, that doesn’t prove that you’re dehydrated.”

Being hydrated simply means consuming enough fluids to the point where you’re not thirsty, Dr. Negoianu said, and that amount varies for everyone.

There are plenty of things besides plain water that will keep you hydrated, experts say: These include the foods and drinks that appeal to you, the things that will keep you consistently reaching for them. Here are a few suggestions.