Democrats and the left may find themselves in several awkward positions the day after President Joe Biden declared war on half of his fellow citizens.

A quick perusal of social media will give you the standard number of leftists who think Biden gave the speech of his life.

Then there are others, like far-left frequent MSNBC guest Ellie Mystal, who thinks Joe Biden didn’t go far enough. Yeah that’s right, not far enough.

RELATED: Trump Has Perfect Response To Biden’s ‘Enemies Of The State’ Speech Attacking MAGA Republicans: ‘He Must Be Insane’

Assessing The Speech

Before he launched into his attack on half of the nation, Joe Biden made a phony attempt to try to “differentiate” between “MAGA Republicans” and other Republicans: 

“Now, I want to be very clear — very clear up front: Not every Republican, not even the majority of Republicans, are MAGA Republicans.  Not every Republican embraces their extreme ideology. I know because I’ve been able to work with these mainstream Republicans.”

Translation: Republicans who cave to Democrats.

Mystal and former Assistant U.S. attorney Maya Wiley discussed Biden’s speech with “All In” host Chris Hayes.

Hayes brought up the fact that Biden managed to remember to play to the race hustler wing of the Democrat Party, and make a reference to white supremacists at the end of the speech saying, “No matter what the White supremacists and extremists say, I made a bet on you, the American people, and that bet is paying off.”

Oddly, this did not bring a smile to Mystal’s face.

He admitted confusion as to who Joe Biden was speaking to and said, “I don’t know who ‘It’s not all Republicans, just MAGA Republicans’ [is] for. I’m sure there are some white supremacists who will vote with white supremacists, who don’t think they are White supremacists.” He added, “It’s not for me.”

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Not Everyone Loved The Speech

Joe Biden gave his speech in Philadelphia, just outside Independence Hall, to a live audience. But not everyone was as enamored with it as leftists on MSNBC. During the 24-minute speech, a heckler could be heard shouting, “F*** Joe Biden.”

While the heckler continued, Biden made sure that he stood up for free speech, at least in public and said, “They’re entitled to be outrageous. This is a democracy. Good manners is nothing they’ve ever suffered from.”

Mystal liked Biden’s acknowledgment that the heckler was within his rights do so saying, “I think this is a really great bit, when he says to the heckler, that dude, that man, that person, on the other side, is entitled to be outrageous.” 

So far so good, but it went downhill from there. Mystal continued, “And that to me, that is the difference between Biden and Trump. That is the difference between me and Ginni Thomas. That is the difference between Democrats and Republicans, because Republicans right now would have that heckler be beaten.”

Unsurprisingly, you won’t hear anyone demand Mystal come up with an example. 

RELATED: Biden Calls For Ending ‘Uncivil War.’ Now Calls GOP ‘Threat To Democracy’

Trump’s Response

Donald Trump responded to Biden’s accusations in the speech, which had to be the most divisive and dangerous speech ever given by an American President. On his “Truth Social” platform he called the speech “awkward and angry.” He also said:

“Someone should explain to Joe Biden, slowly but passionately, that MAGA means, as powerfully as mere words can get, MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! If he doesn’t want to Make America Great Again, which through words, action, and thought, he doesn’t, then he certainly should not be representing the United States of America! If you look at the words and meaning of the awkward and angry Biden speech tonight, he threatened America, including with the possible use of military force. He must be insane, or suffering from late-stage dementia!”

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