Harry Shearer, a longstanding friend of Naked Capitalism as well as a regular donor, is teaming up with two generous anonymous donors in a supersized challenge to help meet our final goal of funding more original reporting. They will match the next 35 donations of $100 and the next 40 of $50.
Make this big-hearted offer a swift success by going to our donation page now!
Many of you found us due to Harry being so kind as to have us regularly on his public radio program, Le Show, and I hope his challenge stirs fond memories of those and his many other interviews.
For our new and non-American readers, Harry is a multifaceted talent: a film and voice actor, musician, writer, radio host, and producer. You may have seen him in
He also played several roles in “The Simpsons,” including Mr. Burns and God. But Harry has also had a strong interest in social justice. He produced the documentary The Big Uneasy to show how official neglect was responsible for the devastating Hurricane Katrina floods:
And thanks to the way many of of you have responded generously to our appeals, we are close to our donor target of 1100 contributors. We’re increasing that goal to 1250. You still have time to make this our best fundraiser ever!
And readers keep letting us how they use the information here, both from posts and our discerning commentariat. From Barbara C:
I’m putting a donation in the mail to you today — time to stop mooching off your great work.
Thanks for providing alternative info and avoiding becoming Dem stenographers!
With pleasure to support you
From Joe S:
Thank you for the remarkable opportunities Naked Capitalism offers me to think and reason, to improve my ability to express my thoughts in writing, to enter debate with others who comment on Naked Capitalism, to learn, and to better perceive the patterns of how the world is changing.
From Claudia:
I am so grateful for the education, wisdom and fun you and associates share. much love
Thanks to Harry and his fellow donors for their generosity, and I hope readers will respond in kind.
You can make your contribution here, via check, debit or credit card, or PayPal. If you give by check, be sure to let us know by e-mailing us at yves@nakedcapitalism.com with “Harry Shearer Challenge” in the subject line.
And if $100 or $50 sounds like a lot, don’t let that stop you from making a donation if you’ve been planning to but haven’t had time yet. Every contribution helps us meet our goals.
And no matter what your situation is, you can help in another very important way, by encouraging others to check out the site, by telling friends, family, and colleagues, and by discussing posts you like on social media Facebook and Twitter
So I hope you’ll take Harry and his friends up on his fundraiser challenge in whatever way you can! Thanks so much!