‘We’re exhausted’: Cat feeders hope more can be done to stop stray dog attacks Channel News Asia
Don’t feed the bears! But birds OK, new Tahoe research shows AP
Signals from outer space: The FOUR times scientists have believed we were contacted by aliens… as ‘impossible’ spinning object 4,000 light years away sends repeated radio bleeps to earth Daily Mail
Meet the Man Fueling Clean Energy Opposition in the Midwest Distilled Earth
Corruption endangers world’s shrinking fisheries AP
New York to drop masking requirements in hospitals, health care facilities Politico
Avoiding catastrophe will be the true test of fractious US-China relations FT
Why the high cost of conflict may be the best hope for peace in the Taiwan Strait South China Morning Post
The United States Wants to Make Taiwan the Ukraine of the East: The Sixth Newsletter (2023) Tricontinental
South China Sea: disputed Spratly Islands now home to supermarkets for PLA soldiers South China Morning Post
Chinese C919’s engine malfunctions in flight test Asia Times (Rev Kev).
President Tsai confers honor on Paul Wolfowitz Taipei Times
US Marines to join Japanese guarding remote islands Asia Times (Rev Kev).
Ports, pylons, cement: the best assets behind Adani’s debt pile FT
Why is democratic India helping Russia avoid Western sanctions? Christian Science Monitor
India’s Coal Imports From Russia Pick up Pace Hellenic Shipping News
India Wants to Replace Valentine’s Day With ‘Cow Hug Day’ Smithsonian
The Koreas
Rural Extinction in Numbers: Data The Blue Roof
Dear Old Blighty
Mutiny at the BBC: “Almost everyone has left. No one does any journalism” The New Statesman
A family affair. Like Game of Thrones:
South of the Border
Biden Can’t Ignore America’s Role in Brazil’s Insurrection Foreign Policy. Which “role”? Trump (non-spook), of course, not Lava Jato (spook).
Lula Sealed His Deal With The Devil By Condemning Russia During His Meeting With Biden Andrew Korybko’s Newsletter
New Not-So-Cold Cold War
Ukraine pleads for ammunition ‘immediately’ as Russia steps up attack FT
Report: Pentagon wants to revive top secret commando program in Ukraine Responsible Statecraft
How far is President Biden willing to ascend the escalation ladder on Ukraine? The Hill
World War Three is the only way to stop Putin, with NATO countries having to ‘fight for real’, warns Russia’s former richest man – now exiled in Britain Daily Mail. Khodorkovsky
Putin to deliver State of the Nation Address to Federal Assembly on Feb 21 — Kremlin Tass
Estonia’s Robin Hood plan: Take from Russia to give to Ukraine Politico
Part 5: The fatal shots of the Maidan (Google translate) Anti-Spiegel
Biden Administration
US shoots down high-altitude, car-sized object over Alaska Channel News Asia
Media ‘Spy Balloon’ Obsession a Gift to China Hawks FAIR
Millions of Californians applied for Biden student loan relief. What is the holdup? McClatchy
Schools become flashpoint for Republicans eyeing White House AP
Report: 23 Baltimore Schools Had Zero Students Proficient in Math Jonathan Turley
The road to the White House runs through South Carolina Politico
‘Smut smear inquisition.’ White House, allies begin to push back on Comer’s offensive. McClatchy. Managing to avoid “Hunter,” “Biden,” and “laptop.” And “Ukraine.” That’s their story and they’re sticking to it.
Police State Watch
Video Raises Questions About Tortuguita’s Death at “Cop City” Amid Permit Appeal Truthout (J.)
UnitedHealthcare incentivizes healthy patient behavior Axios. “UnitedHealthcare Rewards will provide up to $1,000 annually to members who use wearable devices to prove they’re being healthy.”
The Bezzle
Do Chatbots Get Us Any Closer To Human-Level Artificial Intelligence? Big Technology
Two Tesla 10-K Topics – Part 1 Francine McKenna, The Dig
Our Famously Free Press
The Guardian’s links to the slave trade Unherd
Imperial Collapse Watch
Former acting Defense chief under Trump calls for military budget to be cut in half The Hill
Sports Desk
The wretched excess isn’t the football:
Class Warfare
A Black Professor Trapped in Anti-Racist Hell Compact. Microaggressions.
Tema Okun on Her Mythical Paper on White Supremacy (podcast) Deconstructed
Antidote du jour (via):
See yesterday’s Links and Antidote du Jour here.