“Damn you, diversity initiatives! Why are you responsible for every historical tragedy? The fires in Los Angeles? D.E.I. The bridge collapse in Baltimore? D.E.I. The Irish potato famine? D.E.I. Slavery? D.E.I. Did you ever notice how many minorities were at slavery? It’s all D.E.I.” — MICHAEL KOSTA
“And remember, one of the most important things a leader can do in a rapidly developing, difficult situation is to calm people down, stick to the facts, and keep your uninformed opinions to yourself.” — MICHAEL KOSTA
“A terrible thing happened. All he had to do is go out there and say, ‘This is a tragedy,’ offer some comfort to the families, to the military families, promise to get to the bottom of it. But he can’t do that, because he’s callous, he’s racist, he’s sexist, and, most of all, he’s stupid. He’s a deeply stupid man.” — JIMMY KIMMEL
“I think maybe he gets jealous when a disaster gets more coverage than him. He’s like, ‘I’m the biggest disaster — you point that camera at me right now.’” — JIMMY KIMMEL