Yours truly, like many Americans, tends to tune out Federal budget funding cliffhangers as largely theatrics. This is not one of those times. The currently proposed continuing resolution, which the truly horrible Chuck Schumer has just said he will back, is set for a vote in the PM or evening Friday. This is absolutely not a routine short-term funding extension but includes several disastrous provisions which would give Trump the keys to the kingdom in terms of spending and a blank check on tariff powers, which he also has been abusing.

If at all possible, call your Senators at their local office ASAP. A call to the DC number is the next fallback, and then an e-mail if you can’t get through.

As Matt below said:


No on Cloture. No on the dirty CR.

Be short since the fact of you being an in-state voter and firmly objecting is more important than a recitation of reasons (one will suffice; you can say you have more but this is more than enough reason to oppose it). I was not able quickly to find a register of Senators’ local (as in in state) phone numbers; the Senate website deters that sort of thing. Rather than providing those details, it only says “Phone numbers are available on each state’s page or on your senator’s website.” If anyone does locate such a guide, please pipe up in comments and I will update the post accordingly.

In the interest of getting this alert out on a timely basis, forgive me for doing a cursory job on the fine points. Please call your Senators this morning or early afternoon to voice your decided objection to this continuing resolution. Be sure to mention Congress otherwise giving up its power over spending via authorizing impounding and over tariffs. Further stress that failure to oppose the continuing resolution will pave the way for gutting critically important programs like Social Security and Medicare.

One reason that it is urgent to oppose the continuing resolution is that it contains a provision that allows the Administration to impound funds, as in refuse to make expenditures voted through by Congress. This would come close to vitiating Congress’ and therefore democratic control of the power of the purse. Think that ever gets rolled back once given away?

In particular, this continuing resolution would give Trump and Musk the authority to cut Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid:

Another reason to oppose the continuing resolution that is sufficient in and of itself is that it would give away Congress’ power to intervene on Trump’s tariffs. Recall that his actions on that front are already an abuse via repeatedly invoking an emergency when there is none to be found.

So please, get to work!

This entry was posted in Banana republic, Politics, Ridiculously obvious scams, Social policy on by Yves Smith.