Biden says Ukraine should attend G20 meetings if efforts to expel Russia unsuccessful

Joe Biden wants Russia removed from the G20, but stressed that it is the organisation’s decision adding that an alternative would be for Ukraine to attend as an observer.

Mr Biden was speaking at a press conference at Nato Headquarters following meetings with leaders of both the alliance and the G7 in an extraordinary day of summits in Brussels over the invasion of Ukraine.

The president said he warned China not to help Russia or risk its economy; there would be an appropriate response to the use of chemical weapons; and that he will likely be visiting refugees at the Polish border.

Mr Biden is now meeting with the European Council in a day focussed on allied unity.

Thursday’s meetings are to coordinate with Nato allies on military assistance for Ukraine, new sanctions on Russia, and the boosting of defences in Eastern Europe. The US has also now officially accused Russian forces of war crimes in Ukraine.

At home, the latest polling shows the majority of Americans want the president to take a tougher stance on Russia, while his approval rating remains unchanged since the beginning of the conflict in Europe.


Americans want Biden to be tougher on Russia as approval rating remains stagnant according to new poll

The majority of Americans want Joe Biden to take a tougher stance when responding to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine according to a new poll by the Associated Press and NORC Public Affairs Research.

Released on Thursday, the results show 56 per cent of respondents say they believe the president’s response to Vladimir Putin’s attack on Ukraine has not been tough enough, while only 36 per cent think it has been about right, and six per cent said it has been too tough.

Oliver O’Connell25 March 2022 03:45


Biden pledges new humanitarian aid, sanctions and civilian refuge

As the war in Ukraine ran into the second month on Thursday, president Joe Biden promised more humanitarian aid and new sanctions.

Mr Biden said the US will provide an additional $1 billion in food, medicine, water and other supplies, which is in addition to recently signed-through spending of more than $4 billion in humanitarian assistance and $1.4 billion for the refugee crisis.

Mr Biden also announced plans to welcome up to 100,000 Ukrainian refugees.

However, the efforts fall short of robust military assistance that was demanded by Volodymyr Zelensky during his live-video meeting with Congress.

Shweta Sharma25 March 2022 03:40


Oliver O’Connell25 March 2022 03:15


Court hears Michigan governor kidnapping sought to ‘ignite’ civil war and stop Biden election

A man who pleaded guilty to participating in a plot to kidnap Michigan’s Democratic Governor Gretchen Whitmer told a courtroom that his alleged co-conspirators sought to “ignite” a civil war and disrupt the 2020 presidential election before they were targeted in a stunning FBI sting.

Star witness Ty Garbin, who described building a mock set of the governor’s home to practise how they would plan to break in, said the group “wanted to cause as much a disruption as possible to prevent Joe Biden from getting into office.”

Alex Woodward reports.

Oliver O’Connell25 March 2022 02:45


Oliver O’Connell25 March 2022 02:15


Americans applying for jobless aid is lowest since 1969

The number of Americans applying for unemployment benefits last week fell to its lowest level in 52 years as the U.S. job market continues to show strength in the midst of rising costs and ongoing virus pandemic.

Jobless claims fell by 28,000 to 187,000 for the week ending March 19, the lowest since September of 1969, the Labor Department reported Thursday. First-time applications for jobless aid generally track the pace of layoffs.

The White House has released a statement from President Joe Biden regarding today’s encouraging unemployment insurance claims.

Americans are getting back to work at a historic pace, with fewer Americans on unemployment insurance today than at any time in the last half century. This morning, we received news that the number of Americans on unemployment insurance fell to its lowest level since 1970 and the number of Americans filing new claims fell to its lowest one-week level since 1969.

This historic progress is no accident: it’s the result of an economic strategy to grow the economy from the bottom up and middle out, starting with the American Rescue Plan. And, it’s the result of effective management of emergency pandemic resources that resulted in 75% of adult Americans vaccinated and 99% of schools re-opened.

We have more work to do to cut costs for families, but today’s data are a reminder that the US economy is uniquely well positioned to deal with the global challenge of inflation. We will continue the fight to lower costs with every tool at our disposal, from making more here in America and rebuilding our supply chains, to lowering costs that have held back Americans for decades, to promoting competition to ensure markets can operate effectively and consumers are protected.

Oliver O’Connell25 March 2022 01:45


White House forms team to plan for possible use of chemical, biological, nuclear weapons by Russia

A senior administration official has confirmed reporting by The New York Times that the White House has set up a team of national security officials to plan for what happens if Russia uses chemical, biological, or tactical nuclear weapons in its war on Ukraine.

The US and allies are concerned the Kremlin might resort to such a move as its invasion struggles against Ukrainian resistance and Moscow’s own issues. The Biden administration has been warning of such a possibility since the early days of the war — perhaps as a false flag operation.

White House national security adviser Jake Sullivan sent a memo on 28 February detailing how the “Tiger Team” would examine what might happen over the next three months of conflict, NBC News reports a senior administration official as saying.

The team is looking at scenarios including: Russia using chemical, biological, or nuclear weapons; Russia targeting allied convoys carrying weapons to Ukraine; the implications of a disruption to the global food supply; and the growing refugee crisis as millions of Ukrainians flee the country, the official said.

Mr Sullivan’s memo also established a second “strategy group” responsible for looking at the longer-term major geo-political shifts that have been triggered by the invasion.

The use of such lethal weapons of mass destruction would dramatically escalate the conflict. Russia has already increasingly attacked civilians.

Given the possibility that the impact of these types of weapons might spill into Nato countries, the alliance would have to consider whether it would respond.

Oliver O’Connell25 March 2022 01:00


Biden calls for Russia to be removed from G20

Oliver O’Connell25 March 2022 00:15


GOP official refuses to say Biden was ‘duly elected’

A Democrat on the committee pressed the attorney general of Alabama, a vocal supporter of the former president’s falsehoods about the 2020 election, on Thursday whether Mr Biden was the “duly elected” president; the Republican official, Steve Marshall, repeatedly dodged his questions until the senator moved on.

John Bowden reports from Washington, DC.

Oliver O’Connell24 March 2022 23:45


Joint Readout by US and European Council

Today, the European Council was joined by President Joseph R Biden, Jr of the United States. The leaders discussed the coordinated and united response of the European Union and the United States to Russia’s unprovoked and unjustified military aggression in Ukraine. They reviewed their ongoing efforts to impose economic costs on Russia and Belarus, as well as their readiness to adopt additional measures and to stop any attempts to circumvent sanctions.

Leaders discussed the urgent needs caused by Russia’s aggression, committed to continuing providing humanitarian assistance, including to neighboring countries hosting refugees, and underscored the need for Russia to guarantee humanitarian access to those affected by or fleeing the violence.

Leaders welcomed the opening of international investigations, including by the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court, and ongoing efforts to gather evidence of atrocities.

In addition, leaders discussed EU-US cooperation to reduce dependence on Russian fossil fuels, accelerate the transition to clean energy, as well as the need to respond to evolving food security needs worldwide.

The leaders also concurred on the importance of strengthening democratic resilience in Ukraine, Moldova, and the wider Eastern partnership region.

Finally, leaders underscored the importance of enhancing transatlantic security and defense, including through robust Nato-EU cooperation as described in the EU’s Strategic Compass.

Oliver O’Connell24 March 2022 23:20