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by Boo_Randy

Turning over your energy grid to “financialization of everything” energy pirates who prioritize wealth extraction from customers over grid reliability…what could possibly go wrong?

Australians are being warned of gas and power shortages over the next 24 hours as the east coast cold snap pushes the country’s energy supplies to the limit.

Industry experts say Australia is on the ‘precipice’ of energy crisis

Aussies elected globalist Quislings who turned their once-proud country into a WEF looting colony. Now they get to pay the price of being such servile globalist boot-lickers.

See also  Hungary’s PM Orban Tells Parliament Energy Crisis and Rate Hikes Will Bring About “Era of Recession” in Europe.

Industry experts have warned Australia is on the “precipice” of an energy crisis akin to the UK as the wholesale energy market faces dire price rises.

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See also  Estimated 1.5 million households across the UK will struggle to pay food and energy bills over the next year. This is not limited to the UK. This will be world wide

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