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Ohio’s food banks are struggling to keep shelves stocked amid rising costs and supply-chain disruptions.

  • But those same issues are pushing even more people to turn to them for help.

Why it matters: More than 1.5 million Ohioans — one in eight of our neighbors — go hungry, according to Feeding America.

  • The Ohio Association of Foodbanks says that some banks have been forced into rationing.

State of play: The association’s leaders are now urging lawmakers to spend federal pandemic relief funds or other cash reserves to address the critical need.

  • Ohio has nearly $2 billion in remaining American Rescue Plan Act funds, they note.
  • The state’s rainy day fund has an unprecedented $7.4 billion, per a Pew States report.
  • Food banks are requesting $50 million immediately, plus $133 million in long-term relief to prepare for a recession.
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