Better Call Saul is finally back for the first half of its sixth and final season. A review of the two-episode season premiere, “Wine and Roses” and “Carrot and Stick,” coming up just as soon as mesothelioma buys me a vacation house…

“Wolves and sheep.” —Jimmy

Every previous Saul season has begun in exactly the same way, with a black-and-white flash-forward to the lonely, paranoid life of Omaha shopping mall Cinnabon manager Gene Takovic, a.k.a. Saul Goodman, a.k.a. Jimmy McGill. Since it’s been more than two years since we last got an episode of this great show, you’re forgiven if you don’t remember that the fifth season premiere opened with Gene — recognized as Saul by Jeff the cab driver — calling Ed the disappearer with the intent of assuming yet another identity. But at the last minute, he told Ed he had changed his mind, and that, “I’m gonna fix it myself.”