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by Chris Black

Okay, this is big new folks.

The Biden entity is now trying to start a World War on two fronts, with Russia and China.

Are these guys something or are they something?

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What could go wrong? Claiming that you’ll go to war with China to steal Taiwan is basically a declaration of war.

There is no way to stop a takeover of Taipei by Beijing. So what Biden is actually talking about when he talks about a “military response to China invading Taiwan” is that the US would attack China as revenge for taking Taiwan.


President Joe Biden said Monday that the United States would intervene militarily if China attempts to take Taiwan by force, a warning that appeared to deviate from the deliberate ambiguity traditionally held by Washington.

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“You didn’t want to get involved in the Ukraine conflict militarily for obvious reasons. Are you willing to get involved militarily to defend Taiwan if it comes to that?” a reporter asked.

“Yes,” Biden replied. “That’s the commitment we made.”

Is this the great reset via world war 3? It looks like the ZOG system failed to establish a one-world government.

Both Russia and China refused to sacrifice their sovereignty to be a part of Globo Homo Shlomo, and as basically all attempts of stirring up fake revolutions in Russia and China have failed, they’re taking us to war, every single time.

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