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One of the greatest things that came out of Trump’s time as president was his chance to nominate and have seated three conservative judges on the Supreme Court.

The makeup of the court is now 6-3 on the side of conservatives. Basically, while socialist Democrats control both houses of the legislature and the presidency, SCOTUS is the last line of defense for freedom-loving Americans.

While the overturning of Roe v. Wade will be the most historic action the high court takes, protecting the Second Amendment from the current assault it is under by gun-grabbing socialist Democrats is also of huge importance.

And the court just made a major ruling upholding the right of citizens to bear arms.

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CBS News is reporting:

The Supreme Court on Thursday struck down a New York law that placed strict restrictions on carrying concealed firearms in public for self defense, finding its requirement that applicants seeking a license to carry a concealed handgun demonstrate a “proper cause” to do so in public is unconstitutional.

In a 6-3 ruling, the Supreme Court reversed a lower court decision upholding New York’s 108-year-old law limiting who can obtain a license to carry a concealed handgun in public. Proponents of the measure warned that a ruling from the high court invalidating it could threaten gun restrictions in several states and lead to more firearms on city streets.

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