Do Rapid Covid Tests Still Work?
They can result in false negatives, but they remain a valuable tool in stopping the spread of Covid-19. Here’s how to use them most effectively.
They can result in false negatives, but they remain a valuable tool in stopping the spread of Covid-19. Here’s how to use them most effectively.
By Lambert Strether of Corrente. “We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.” —Will Durant (attributed to Aristotle) Policy on Covid in the…
Yves here. I am preserving the title of this post by William White from the Institute of New Economic Thinking website, even though “post-Covid” will justifiably trigger some readers. However,…
By Lambert Strether of Corrente. As readers know, I stan for Covid nasal sprays, whether as prophylactics or vaccines (see here and here, plus many mentions in Links and Water…
By Christine de La Maisonneuve, Economist, Balázs Égert, Senior Economist Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Development, Dave Turner, Head, Macroeconomic Analysis Division Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Development. Originally published…
An analysis of workers’ compensation claims in New York found that 71 percent of claimants with long Covid needed continuing medical treatment or were unable to work for six months…
In advance of a scientific meeting on Thursday, officials proposed offering new shots to Americans each fall, a strategy long employed against the flu.
Jacinda Ardern explained her decision to step down as New Zealand’s prime minister on Thursday with a plea for understanding and rare political directness — the same attributes that helped…
“This is not unexpected,” Dr. John Brownstein, an epidemiologist and chief innovation officer at Boston Children’s Hospital told ABC. “You have indoor gatherings during a time when a lot of…
Covid hospitalizations have not surged so far this season.