As AI’s Power Grows, So Does Our Workday | naked capitalism
Yves here. While this post flags an important central finding, that the more a job is exposed to AI use, the longer its hours become, its authors seem awfully credulous…
Yves here. While this post flags an important central finding, that the more a job is exposed to AI use, the longer its hours become, its authors seem awfully credulous…
Yves here. I remember in 2007 when I was invited to an open house at the Explorers’ Club in New York City, which featured a day of presentations of scientists…
Yves here. While much of the news is bleak, one bright spot is the rise of small, feisty worker-owned publications. Without the skim of non-employee owners (and no doubt overpaid…
It has been a bad week, borderline flu, just like everyone else in the office since the new year (with 7 of 18 having had a COVID relapse earlier). Plus,…
Yves here. Tom Neuburger discusses how the US is in the midst of a regime change, which has precedents in US history. The most obvious manifestation is how Trump is…
The cash assassins set their sights on Europe’s biggest economy. If there’s one major European economy that did not get the memo on moving swiftly away from cash to digital…
Yves here. The tone of this post, which likely reflects that of the book it discusses, is overwrought. But that does not make it inaccurate. What caught my attention was…
Yves here. Since it’s very profitable for app, program, and device makers to hit users’ emotional buttons, they are set only to get better at it. Robots pets are one…
Yves here. Sadly, the most desperate are regularly the subject of the most intense financial grifting, be it loan sharks or the more-respectable seeming versions, like credit cards that very…
Yves here. Trump follows his line of action by having enlisted his ally, Speaker of the House Mike Johnson, to threaten the very existence of Federal courts: Speaker Johnson floats…