Paris and Washington Go Scorched Earth in the Sahel | naked capitalism
According to VOA, the US is doing “soul searching” about its mission in the Sahel region of Africa — and largely finding the same answers. Maj. General Ekman, who oversaw…
According to VOA, the US is doing “soul searching” about its mission in the Sahel region of Africa — and largely finding the same answers. Maj. General Ekman, who oversaw…
Yves here. We are sure to see more articles along these lines, with more refined analyses, as the details of Trump energy sanctions emerge. This piece is still helpful as…
By Lambert Strether of Corrente. I’ve been design-adjacent for a good part of my working life. So I when I spotted CAPS LOCK in the bookstore (subtitled “HOW CAPITALISM TOOK…
The Bear Necessities of Larceny: Californians Arrested for Fraudulently Staging Bear Rampage Jonathan Turley Immaculately Preserved Saber-Tooth Cat Cub Found in Siberian Permafrost Gizmodo Three days with the true believers…
By Hjalte Fejerskov Boas, a PhD student in Economics at the University of Copenhagen, Niels Johannesen, Professor of Economics and Business, Professor of Economics at University Of Copenhagen, Claus Kreiner,…
Yves here. As much as banks do try to increase the cost to customers of switching banks, depending on what the Consumer Financial Protection proposed rule about requiring a bank…
Yves here. Given Trump’s advanced age, and the eventual confirmation of suspected Biden decrepitude, the media and Trump opponents have jumped on what they depict as signs of Trump cognitive…
By Lambert Strether of Corrente. Bird Song of the Day Northern Mockingbird, Edith G. Read Wildlife Sanctuary, Westchester, New York, United States. “Amazing repertoire of other species’ songs woven into…
Yves here. Due to so much competing news, we’ve been light on climate and environment coverage. Established readers may recall that Jerri-Lynn covered the war on plastics intensely. Then and…
Yves here. Apologies again re my own posting but hopefully this BRICS piece will prove to be good grist for thought. Power was out for 7 hours, and I’d been…