About That Bipartisanship… | naked capitalism
Yves here. Tom Neuburger describes some of the far too many examples of Democrats and Republicans professing to care about public welfare, then teaming up to advance the interests of…
Yves here. Tom Neuburger describes some of the far too many examples of Democrats and Republicans professing to care about public welfare, then teaming up to advance the interests of…
By Lambert Strether of Corrente. Bird Song of the Day Canyon Towhee, San Juan Wash, south side of the Black Hills, Pima, Arizona, United States. “‘Complex song’, blending into normal…
Yves here. I must confess to being fond of shaggy dog “Resisting the bureaucracy by exercising your rights” stories. Here, there is a real point to this exercise, since for…
Yves here. Some positive news on the climate change front. Rural areas can get a boost by co-locating solar generation with agriculture. By Tina Casey, who has been writing about…
Yves here. KLG volunteered that a good intro could be: “What scientists say and what the people hear are sometimes different things.” And the misunderstanding lies primarily with the scientists.…
Yves here. James Galbraith politely and methodically questions some of the economic logic used to claim that the Western sanctions have done serious, lasting damage to Russia. As we and…
Yves here. This post makes a point with respect to commercial real estate (and private equity lending) that is not sufficiently well appreciated. While particular banks may has significant commercial…
Patient readers, I am having horrid connectivity problems. Normally, my connectivity is triply redundant (hot spot, phone, iPad). I am on the road, and it is all failing for my…
Raiffeisen Bank International (RBI) is one of the few large European banks that continues to conduct business more or less as usual in Russia. But as the profits from its…
Yves here. This post illustrates not just what is wrong with health care in the US, but social services generally: far too much complexity, lots of gaps, and arbitrary-seeming results.…