Saudi- U.S. Relations Sour Further On Huge OPEC+ Surprise Cut | naked capitalism
Yves here. This is a useful and compact recap of why and how quickly the Saudis have cooled on the US and why the US is no longer in a…
Yves here. This is a useful and compact recap of why and how quickly the Saudis have cooled on the US and why the US is no longer in a…
By Lambert Strether of Corrente I whinge about the day’s ghastly connectivity problems in Water Cooler; the upshot is that since I must press Submit in the window of opportunity…
Puma’s Secret Garden: Study Reveals Sly Strategy of Nurturing Nature To Lure Prey SciTech Daily What color were Neandertals? John Hawks Easter After-Action Report Easter is God reminding us of…
When the orthodox media depicts the Pentagon as in an uproar about now two leaks of sets of official-looking documents, and tries to spin it that they show how much…
Yves here. Perhaps I am showing too much of my usual crankiness, but I find the post below on the Doomsday Clock and its assessment of the danger of a…
Readers, Yves sent Matt Taibbi email saying 100+ readers had commented on “Why Do Mainstream Democrats Hate Matt TaibbI?“, and that it “must be terrible to be on the receiving…
By Narayana Kocherlakota, Lionel W. McKenzie Professor of Economics University of Rochester. Originally published at VoxEU. The Federal Reserve has a mandate to maintain long-run employment and price stability. However,…
Yves here. It is remarkable to see the Democrats, in less than a generation, become close-minded, authoritarian bullies. Taibbi makes clear that he’s not only gained political enemies by not…
Yves here. The Department of Defense started warning in the early 2000s that global warming would generate destabilizing mass migrations. But Americans like to this this sort of thing happens…
Yves here. We members of the great unwashed public must take our breaks when we find them. The fact that facial recognition software often misidentifies people of color is one…