Bostock v. Clayton County: One Innocent’s Excursion into Sex v. Gender | naked capitalism
By Lambert Strether of Corrente. I’m going to try to keep this post as simple as I possibly can. The other day, I took notice of the following “letter” from…
By Lambert Strether of Corrente. I’m going to try to keep this post as simple as I possibly can. The other day, I took notice of the following “letter” from…
World’s Largest Organism Is Slowly Being Eaten, Scientist Says Science Alert Sounds emitted by plants under stress are airborne and informative Cell (!!). Why Investment Complexity Is Not Your Friend…
By Charles Calomiris, Henry Kaufman Professor of Financial Institutions, Graduate School of Business Columbia University; Director, Center for Economics, Politics and History University of Austin. Originally posted at VoxEU. The…
It should perhaps come as little surprise that when it comes to protecting the right to pay in cash, the UK government prioritises freedom of choice for businesses (to reject…
By Conor Gallagher Following an investigation into a Texas company’s housing rental pricing software, Senators Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts, Bernie Sanders of Vermont, Tina Smith of Minnesota, and Edward J.…
Yves here. Gerald Epstein, who has written regularly about bank regulation and the inadequacy of “reforms” since the 2008 financial crisis, weighs in with his take on the 2023 panic.…
Edward Luce, a Financial Times columnist who was Larry Summers’ speechwriter and remains a whisper to top Democrats, has published a peculiar and revealing piece musing about the failure (although…
Scientists create Liquid Trees; a tank full of water and micro-algae that could be an alternative to trees in urban areas YUP Strange Acceleration of Mysterious Interstellar Visitor Finally Explained…
Lambert here: Is there no end to the wonders of crypto? By Audrey Carleton, an award-winning environmental journalist who has written for Capital and Main, VICE, Grist, the Guardian, Earther,…
Yves here. Supposedly super duper bank reforms after the crisis have done little to shore up confidence, particularly among the rich who tend to keep too much in uninsured accounts…