US Fails Miserably in Efforts to Isolate Russia | naked capitalism
By Conor Gallagher “If Russia does not end this war and get out of Ukraine, it will be isolated on a small island with a bunch of sub countries and…
By Conor Gallagher “If Russia does not end this war and get out of Ukraine, it will be isolated on a small island with a bunch of sub countries and…
Yves here. Galbraith reviews conventional pictures of inflation, the profile of our current episode, and how it clear did not result from Covid “stimulus” related spending. This piece does a…
Yves here. Covid’s impact on the labor market (early retirements, avoidance of certain workplaces, long Covid) has had an upside: giving people with disabilities jobs. Despite the fact employers are…
The long-standing myth of super-duper private equity returns is meeting the cold ugly reality of unfinessable lousy returns. That’s what happens when an industry dependent on long term falling interest…
Your humble blogger took a gander through NC archives, to see if her recollection that the cramdown of Cyprus depositors to bail out its banking system, a measure never before…
As the price of everything, including debt, continues to soar, life is getting harder and harder for the UK’s heavily indebted businesses. Business insolvencies in the UK surged by 57%…
Yves here. This post highlights a Supreme Court case that could substantially weaken laborers’ ability to strike to force management concessions by making them liable for strike costs, or more…
Yves here. This post is a reminder of a long standing issue: that is a system of international investment, with US Treasury bills and bonds still treated as the foundational,…
By Lambert Strether of Corrente. Bird Song of the Day Spectacled Finch, Nar Gali, North-West Frontier, Pakistan. Got some points knocked off by purists for the highway noise, but what…
Monogamous Prairie Voles Reveal the Neurobiology of Love Scientific American. Please don’t tell the marketing department. The Fed will be in the thick of the debt limit mess Axios The…