2:00PM Water Cooler 10/20/2022 | naked capitalism
By Lambert Strether of Corrente Bird Song of the Day Dark-eyed/Yellow-eyed Junco, Gila, Arizona, United States Politics “But what is government itself, but the greatest of all reflections on human…
By Lambert Strether of Corrente Bird Song of the Day Dark-eyed/Yellow-eyed Junco, Gila, Arizona, United States Politics “But what is government itself, but the greatest of all reflections on human…
Yves here. Common Dreams publicizing this appeal to Biden suggests that the Dems even now could take messaging steps to reduce the hit they seem likely to take in the…
With economic gloom on the US’s horizon, the tech giant’s boss points out warning signals.
Interstellar object ‘Oumuamua still puzzling scientists 5 years after discovery Space Finally, Scientists Have Figured Out A Key Molecular Mechanism Behind Human Hearing Science Alert (Rev Kev). Now do listening.…
Due to my finding out about a raft of infrastructure issues at the house due to an 11:00 PM visit by an electrician (yours truly had the good fortune never…
Yves here. It can’t be said too often: a significant amount of our current inflation is due to companies increasing prices because they can, not because they are seeing corresponding…
Yves here. John Helmer provide another insightful post on the Russian campaign against Ukraine’s electric grid, today providing more information of the logic of the targeting and how it is…
Yves here. We were banging on about diesel shortages some time back. The fact that other facets of the ongoing energy crisis, such as the hunt for LNG, the Nord…
Yves here. I’ve held back from discussing the elite doubling down on failure represented by the Sveriges Riksbank Counterfeit Nobel Prize going to Ben Bernanke, Douglas Diamond, and Philip Dybvig…
By Lambert Strether of Corrente Patient readers, this Water Cooler is a bit light. In my defense, the news flow is a bit light. It feels bizarrely like mid-summer. Change…