Why the Soviet Union Imploded | naked capitalism
Yves here. Your humble blogger must confess to not knowing much about the demise of the Soviet Union, in part because the US intelligence services and therefore the press and…
Yves here. Your humble blogger must confess to not knowing much about the demise of the Soviet Union, in part because the US intelligence services and therefore the press and…
Polls show voters liked direct payments from President Biden’s 2021 economic rescue bill. But they have become fodder for Republican inflation attacks.
Lambert here: Cf. Psalm 23; who are these “enemies”? By Etienne Le Rossignol, a Research Fellow at London Business School, and Sara Lowes, Assistant Professor of Economics University of California,…
What a difference 25 years can make. The world today is a markedly different place from the world that existed at MarketWatch’s inception in October 1997. JPMorgan Chase & Co.…
Yves here. This is a helpful and extensive recap of many of the instances of Covid-19 cases in animals and a discussion of some of the propagation channels beyond domesticated…
Yves here. With yet more debt ceiling fights baked in, and the Republicans regularly using them to have a go at cutting Social Security benefits, it’s important to push back…
By Lambert Strether of Corrente Bird Song of the Day Velvet-fronted Nuthatch, Wayanad, Kerala, India. Politics “But what is government itself, but the greatest of all reflections on human nature?”…
Yves here. Lambert and I both found the news tonight to be oddly slow. So a cultural offering, this one on what might be gleaned from human prehistory and the…
Patient readers: One more cross-post while the Internet is out in the Third World country where Yves currently resides. I am to ask if UK readers, especially Colonel Smithers, agree…
Yves here. The entire field of weight management is dodgy due among other things to the extremely weak understanding of diet and nutrition, in part due to it being an…