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Yves here. This piece is intriguing. It finds, using Twitter as the basis for its investigation, that “conservatives” are more persistent in news-sharing to counter the platform trying to dampen…
Yves here. This piece is intriguing. It finds, using Twitter as the basis for its investigation, that “conservatives” are more persistent in news-sharing to counter the platform trying to dampen…
Kazakhstan launches programme to reintroduce tigers to lost habitat BNE Intellinews 47 Tigers Die In Vietnam Zoos Due To H5N1 Bird Flu Virus: Report NDTV World Climate The Next Climate…
Yves here. Below is some additional information that may help readers better assess the background to Iran’s missile strikes on Israel and their impact. Readers may recall that immediately before…
Yves here. This post givens some depressing examples draconian new anti-homeless ordinances and laws instituted in the wake of the Supreme Court Grants Pass ruling, which allows for homelessness to…
Yves here. This post does provide useful information about the positions of each campaign on health care and does point out that Team Trump has been in handwave mode about…
One of the biggest sticking points in the long-running feud between Washington and the government of President Recep Tayyip Erdoğanin in Türkiye is the latter’s purchase of Russian S-400 surface-to-air…
Yves here. Holy moley. Boeing management makes it clear it would rather fly Boeing into a mountainside than give labor a meaningful say in their terms of employment. This action…
Start spreading the news, you’re leaving todayI want to be a part of it, New York, New York –Fred Ebb, “New York, New York” And to make the headline and…
Transportation and warehousing sectors are poised to first feel the pinch, with a broader economic fallout expected if the strike drags on.
“China is a very interesting trading partner,” said Javier Milei, who just a year ago described the Chinese government as as “assassin.” They “do not make demands, the only thing…