Michael Hudson: Debt, Economic Collapse and the Ancient World | naked capitalism
Yves here. For your long holiday weekend reading, we have a tour de force in the form of a Robinson Erhardt talk with Michael Hudson. This edited version of his…
Yves here. For your long holiday weekend reading, we have a tour de force in the form of a Robinson Erhardt talk with Michael Hudson. This edited version of his…
Yves here. Richard Murphy gives a good, compact treatment of some of the inherent limits of AI, particularly in professions (he focuses on accountancy and tax but the same arguments…
By Lambert Strether of Corrente Have a good Labor Day, everyone! Bird Song of the Day Catbirds are in the Mimidae species (!), like mockingbird and thrashers. Readers have said…
Feed your fish remotely with this Raspberry Pi-powered feeding system Tom’s Hardware Appliance and Tractor Companies Lobby Against Giving the Military the Right to Repair 404 Media Climate How Global…
This is one generational trend I wasn’t expecting. In my reporting on the Global War on Cash, I have consistently cautioned that cash, as a payment method, has some big…
Dear patient readers, This is the last big holiday weekend of the summer in the US, and many Europeans are also on August breaks, presumably not returning till Monday or…
Yves here. Another sobering update from Oxfam on the ever-widening chasm between the squillionaire overclass and the poor. As famed short seller David Einhorn was wont to say, “No matter…
Yves here. At least some of whom are in the left are not accepting the premise that they must ignore the Democratic Party’s sorry record and back Kamala Harris. And…
Yves here. We’ve noted that protesting is a very long term and difficult process. It takes a long time to reduce the perceived legitimacy of powerful interests and institutions to…
Yves here. This is a very strong form criticism of the notion that capitalism has helped the poor. I have some problems with his argument. One is that he attempts…