Links 8/28/2024 | naked capitalism
Swiss chocolate: Scientists cut waste and sugar BBC (Robin K) FDA Expands Probe of Ecstasy-Based Drug Studies ars technica A neural network for religious fundamentalism derived from patients with brain…
Swiss chocolate: Scientists cut waste and sugar BBC (Robin K) FDA Expands Probe of Ecstasy-Based Drug Studies ars technica A neural network for religious fundamentalism derived from patients with brain…
Yves here. Educated reader have been trained to treat peer reviewed papers with far more respect than presumed-to-be-not-verified research. Below, KLG explains why the peer research standard was never quite…
Yves here. Some readers have been upset about the frequency of criticism in the comments section of Team Dem. I suggest you read this post and consider: the party has…
Yves here. On one level, this article focusing on how hollowed out Rust Belt communities persist is useful by looking at a neglected yet important of small scale collapse. But…
Yves here. It is sobering to see what the Democratic party propaganda machine is cooking up and will probably succeed in selling. The messaging boils down to “War is love”.…
Yves here. Get a cup of coffee. This is a very meaty interview with Nathan Knopp and Brian Knopp of System Failure on Hudson’s favorite themes of debt forgiveness and…
Lambert: Good to know the ethics are emerging. Gives confidence. By Sara Talpos, a contributing editor at Undark. Originally published at Undark. Nervous system disorders are among the leading causes…
I thought I was done with parenthood. But the tortoises had other plans Guardian Syndemics Long COVID Clinical Evaluation, Research and Impact on Society: A Global Expert Consensus (preprint) The…
For those of you who watch YouTube geopolitical talking heads, Chas Freeman, who was Nixon’s translator on his famed visit to China and later ambassador to Saudi Arabia, is particularly…
While all indications are that the US, regardless of who the next president is, will continue to support Israel’s rampage through the Middle East, as well as more confrontation with…