High-altitude object shot down off Alaska, US says
A sidewinder missile fired by an F-22 warplane blew up the object of unknown origin, the US says.
A sidewinder missile fired by an F-22 warplane blew up the object of unknown origin, the US says.
Over three weeks, Creighton Waters, the lead prosecutor, has called dozens of witnesses and pulled from a mountain of evidence in an attempt to prove that Mr Murdaugh fatally shot…
A genre likened to gangster rap revels in the cartel wars and has listeners divided on its merits.
Zoo animals everywhere were busy picking between the Eagles and Chiefs ahead of the big game.
“The Department of Justice completed a thorough and unrestricted search of five hours and removed one document with classified markings and six additional pages without such markings that were not…
Admitted on Wednesday for feeling lightheaded, doctors confirmed he did not have a stroke or seizure.
Russia launched a new swarm of Iranian-made drones overnight, Ukraine’s Air Force said on Saturday, attacking critical infrastructure in several regions after unleashing a barrage of cruise missiles, antiaircraft missiles…
GAZIANTEP, Turkey — A powerful earthquake struck northwestern Turkey in 1999, killing more than 17,000 people, exposing government incompetence and fueling an economic crisis. Amid the turmoil, a young, charismatic…
He challenged Ukraine’s president to a duel from the cockpit of a bomber. He threatened to urinate on the face of a critic. He declared his private army was fighting…
WASHINGTON — The Biden administration clamped down on Friday on sales of some U.S. technology to several Chinese aviation and technology companies, as part of its response to a Chinese…