Gallery owner who hosed homeless woman in San Francisco arrested
Collier Gwin is charged with battery after being filmed spraying a woman with a hose in San Francisco.
Collier Gwin is charged with battery after being filmed spraying a woman with a hose in San Francisco.
Rio Verde was cut off from its water supplies on 1 January by the nearby city of Scottsdale.
In the event, some say authorities would have to do as much as they can to avoid default. That would mean finding ways to make interest payments while other obligations…
The lawmaker, who has admitted lying about his biography, has recently been named to two House panels.
One man’s love for dogs has exploded into a business that has delighted the internet all at once.
An aircraft bound for Puerto Rico struck the tail of a parked plane as it was departing the gate.
Jacinda Ardern explained her decision to step down as New Zealand’s prime minister on Thursday with a plea for understanding and rare political directness — the same attributes that helped…
Partisanship has made the logjam worse. Republicans, some of whom have accused Facebook, Twitter and other sites of censoring them, have pressured the platforms to leave more content up. In…
That particular perils-of-Pauline crisis ultimately ended in compromise, but it was scary enough to lead Standard & Poor’s to downgrade its assessment of the previously pristine U.S. Treasury debt. Further…
Jacinda Ardern announced on Thursday that she would step down after five years as New Zealand’s prime minister, having led the country through calm and calamity while cementing her reputation…