Imagining a Monument to an Unimaginable Number of Covid Deaths
In cities, especially, monuments have become not just an artistic genre unto themselves but evanescent, ever-evolving tributes to those we lost — and continue to lose.
In cities, especially, monuments have become not just an artistic genre unto themselves but evanescent, ever-evolving tributes to those we lost — and continue to lose.
The risk of developing symptoms of depression remains high up to a year after you’ve recovered.
Kaitlin Cope, who is 30 years old, moved to Florida during the pandemic from New York. “Florida and Miami are an open and free city and state,” she said. Andre…
Now a tool using artificial intelligence (AI) – built by Daniel Patt, a software engineer for Google – could hold the key to putting names to some of the many…
“I personally don’t have fatigue,” Ms. Smith, who works in the tech industry, said. “For me, existing in this country and having the ability to vote is pretty much the…
The Florida governor is a rising Republican star after a big election win. Here’s what you need to know.
Local elections were also held across the country on Tuesday, some with unusual tiebreaker methods.
Control of Congress remains in the balance as the final results of the 2022 midterms trickle in.
Mr. Kelly, who ran as a bipartisan legislator devoted to the needs of Arizona, defeated Blake Masters, a Republican newcomer whose ideological fervor failed to win over enough independent voters.