Alex Jones: Will a $965m damages demand crush his Infowars empire?
The talk show host faces severe financial and legal problems, but shows no signs of changing.
The talk show host faces severe financial and legal problems, but shows no signs of changing.
Fentanyl is typically smuggled into the United States by Mexican drug cartels. While it used to be laced into the hardest drugs like heroin, the cartels now mass-produce fentanyl pills…
Early research suggests this age-old practice might benefit mental health, but more research is needed.
Letting your mind wander can benefit the brain, researchers say.
The actor recently donated hundreds of boxes of scripts, props, notes and other objects from his work on “Raging Bull,” “Taxi Driver” and more. We dived in.
Around the world, lawmakers and entrepreneurs are taking steps to tackle two of humanity’s most pressing problems: hunger and climate change.
Disparaging remarks about Oaxacans from the Los Angeles City Council president shocked a city that prides itself on tolerance. But they highlighted a history of racism within the Latino community.
The sharp policy U-turn by Liz Truss, Britain’s prime minister, reveals the perils of taking the wrong path in the fight against scalding inflation.
Families and volunteers seek out and restore abandoned cemeteries as a way of recovering their own personal stories.
Two of the largest U.S. supermarket chains hope to join forces as inflation pushes food prices higher and as Amazon and Walmart become more powerful.