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Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez made a bizarre proposal for people to ditch neckties in order to save energy in the country.

Speaking at a press conference on Friday, Sánchez proposed that his fellow citizens adopt a casual dress code every Friday in order to conserve energy while providing few details as to how the plan would help.

I’d like you to note that I am not wearing a tie. That means that we can all make savings from an energy point of view,” the prime minister told reporters. “So I have asked all ministers and public decision-makers [to follow suit].”

“We will all be contributing to the energy savings that are so necessary in our country,” he added.

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Sánchez did not say how ditching neckties would help conserve energy, but as Fox News noted, many Spaniards have been leaning on air conditioners in recent days as temperatures soar well past 100 degrees Fahrenheit in the country

h/t Coastie Patriot

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