A new trailer for “Thor: Love and Thunder” dropped Monday — and some fans are now convinced the hammer-wielding Marvel hero will be “gay as hell” in the film.

In the new footage, which teases Chris Hemsworth’s title character going into retirement, Thor is seen giving Star-Lord (Chris Pratt) a lingering look, which many eagle-eyed tweeters took to be a tease of the God of Thunder’s sexuality.  

The clip also shows Thor surrounded by the Guardians of the Galaxy: Star-Lord, Nebula (Karen Gillan), Drax The Destroyer (Dave Bautista), Mantis (Pom Klementieff), Groot (Vin Diesel) and Rocket (Bradley Cooper).

“Remember what I told you, if you ever feel lost,” 42-year-old Pratt’s character says to 38-year-old Hemsworth’s character. “Just look into the eyes of the people that you love.”

Thor comedically moves his head to lovingly gaze right into Star-Lord’s eyes.

“Not me,” Star-Lord says in response.

Thor awkwardly looks away while saying, “What? Just listening.”

The moment led people to celebrate on Twitter what one fan called “Thor’s gay awakening.”

“Anyone saying Thor isn’t gay is in homophobic denial,” one fan joked.

“Taika Waititi gets hold of the pen and suddenly Thor’s gay now. incredible,” another chimed in.

“People are actually so mad at the thought Thor might be gay. That boys a God, he’s definitely dabbled,” quipped another fan.

“Thor has always been gay guys taika just made it more obvious,” a user claimed.

Meanwhile, instead of more epic battles for the Asgardian, it appears the fourth “Thor” installment will focus on the broken god finding himself once again — all while traveling space with the Guardians of the Galaxy as “Sweet Child o’ Mine” by Guns N’ Roses plays.

The trailer also teases 58-year-old Russell Crowe’s debut as Zeus, as well as Natalie Portman’s return to the franchise as Jane Foster, Thor’s once-romantic partner. Portman, 40, has not starred in a Marvel Cinematic Universe film since 2013.

“Thor: Love and Thunder” is in theaters on Friday, July 8.