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Texans such as Congressman Lance Gooden blame these organizations for “fueling the drastic increases in illegal immigration across our southern border and throughout the country.”

Texas and Arizona are busing migrants to the nation’s capital. Meeting the buses there are staff from CARECEN, a far left group funded almost entirely by government contracts, and Catholic Charities.  These groups hand out  gift cards and food packages, direct migrants to shelters or hotel rooms, or help them buy tickets to other destinations. Who pays for all this?  FEMA — the Federal Emergency Management Agency, a government agency that funnels money through the nonprofits.

FEMA’s Emergency Food and Services Program board includes Catholic Charities and United Way, which pass the money to local nonprofits serving illegal immigrants. FEMA has already provided $2.2 million in humanitarian funding for this purpose in the DC area.

On to the New York area, where the Biden administration has been flying in illegal immigrants on charter flights in the dead of night. After these flights land, usually at Westchester County airport in White Plains, migrants get on chartered buses, and head off to destinations across the region, including several Catholic Charities facilities.

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