Dear patient readers,
We at Naked Capitalism trust you have a festive or at least a restful holiday season in store. The members of this team, as we customarily do, will try to take a mini-break via a lighter posting schedule. Starting today, through and including January 1, we will have only three posts a day, Links plus two others. Lambert has not set his Water Cooler plans. He will probably have a full version on the 23rd and likely Christmas eve, and after that, odds favor a mix of full featured ones versus conversation-starter variants.
Our moderators will be off starting December 24 through and including January 1. In distant past years, we would turn comments off. Instead, we will leave them on and Yves will be moderating. That means if you comment between noon EST and midnight and it goes into moderation, your comment won’t be freed before midnight. Abject apologies. Please be patient.
Have a very good winter respite. Hopefully you will get some good grub and rewarding time with friends and family. If you are having a quiet week, I hope you have some good books or movies or music lined up.
Wishing all of you a healthy, happy, and prosperous 2025!
PS It is going down to a chilly 71F here overnight.