Bollywood’s power couple, Ranbir Kapoor and Alia Bhatt finally tied the knot on April 14 at the Yeh Jawaani Hai Deewani actor’s residence Vastu in Bandra, Mumbai after dating for five long years. The duo’s wedding was an intimate ceremony in attendance of their close family and friends. Ever since the news of the Bollywood couple getting married broke out, fans and followers of the lovebirds could barely hold their excitement and often look forward to seeing unseen pictures from their fairytale marriage ceremony.
A few hours back, the Gangubai Kathiawadi actress’ BFF Tanya Saha Gupta, who was present at the duo’s wedding shared a series of beautiful pictures from the nuptials and it’s all about fun and laughter. In one of the photos, Ranbir made a sweet gesture to his dulhaniya’s bridesmaids as he signed a special pledge to them. It reads, “I, Ranbir, husband of Alia. I pledge to all the bridesmaids.”
Sharing the photos, Tanya penned a sweet caption that said: “it’s sappy days like these that I LIVE FOR. lots of happy tears & belly aching laughs, celebrating my sweet sweet @aliaabhatt ‘s love story. our inseparable family just grew a little sillier & a little bigger”
Check it out:
The newly-wedded couple had a three-day magical affair. It started with a dreamy Mehendi function on April 13, which was followed by a fairytale wedding on April 14, and then a star-studded wedding reception on April 15. Ranbir and Alia fell in love on the sets of Ayan Mukerji’s film, Brahmastra, which will release on 9 September 2022. This will mark their first movie together.