Yves here. I had thought there was a tiny glimmer of hope for Team Dem digging itself out of its ditch, with the adoption of “die ins” in New York City (they’d been effective mobilizers of people and opinion in the Black Lives Matter day) and apparent fierce internal criticism over Chuck Schumer and Hakeem Jeffries playing dead in the face of the Trump onslaught. Mind you, this slight signs of life come as a NBC poll showed both that Democratic party garnered its worst approval ratings ever and it voters 2 to 1 wanted the party to contest Trump actions, and that does not mean the lame fundraiser “fighting for you” sort.
Via e-mail from IM Doc, evidence the party is probably beyond redemption. Keep in mind the action described below took money as well as organizational resources. Subject line Local Meeting with US Representative:
This was on Friday night. The paper reported it as highly contentious. I have now seen on a few national websites that she was owned by the Dems.
So, let me tell you what really happened. And any shred of respect I have for any media, local or national, is now completely gone. When you see things with your own eyes – and then read the completely bullshit reporting about it the next few days after the event.
The town itself is bright blue – the surrounding area – basically everything is bright red. Our family lives to [a bit out of town in the red area]. It is not only red – but everyone is clean cut, blue-eyed, athletic, farmers etc. This area is also very conservative from a religious perspective.
I wanted my kids to see a town hall. So we went.
I knew something was wrong the minute we hit the parking lot. There were 8 busses there – I saw CA, WA, OR, and CO license plates. None local. There were another 3 busses in the restaurant parking lot next door – again CA and WA.
We walked into the auditorium – literally SRO. There were all kinds of people NONE of us had ever seen before – purple hair nose rings etc. Clearly not locals. And when the first question was asked by an elder statesman kind of guy on the front row – and 2 of these nose rings got up and started F bombs and screaming and yelling – all the locals knew instantly that something was up. They kept being told there were children in the room, etc.
And the literal dozens/hundreds of these people just kept right on. No one could hear answers, every single question was met with name-calling screaming and yelling, they used the c-word and the f-word constantly, and there was no respect for anyone that was a local. It was a completely useless event – and I was ashamed for my kids.
The thing is there were people standing right next to us – that I know personally – they have legitimate issues about various issues that would have been against the Trump narrative – and would have been very important for her to answer and have accountability. They were not even interested in standing up and facing the onslaught. The man even told me – they were very much hesitating to be Trump voters going forward – but wow – we can’t let these wackos in charge.
Discussions over this weekend have indicated to me that really really pissed people off – any fence sitters are now squarely in the Trump camp. Local people do not take to hijacking like that very well – and constantly calling a woman a cunt in front of kids in a rural area is not a good look.
So, I cannot even take my kids to a town hall. After this debacle, I doubt there are any further town halls – and more importantly – I CANNOT BLAME THEM. It really is a societal collapse.
And I am so ashamed of what the Democratic Party now is. What a complete and total disgrace. But the media is reporting that she met “highly contentious” constituents. What a complete joke. What a bunch of liars. I cannot think of a better way for the Dems to cement Trump support all over the fruited plain.
I quizzed IM Doc. He lives in a very popular vacation destination. Could the influx have been in part due to the ease of persuading Dems to make a trek and then enjoy the sights? His response:
Similar reports, probably the same people, coming from multiple other places in this state. One can charitably refer to those locations as armpits so vacations are not in the cards.
Also, hearing very similar reports from Kansas, Oklahoma and Texas from family members. Similar reports of lots of pissed off people among the independent minded. As I said, the family next to me at our meeting had an issue that would have really raised eyebrows and I would have loved to hear the answer. But alas, f bombs were more important. I guess it is the new 50 state strategy. No wonder they are at the lowest approval rate in modern history.
Back in the stone ages of 1960s civil rights protests, black activists made a point of wearing their Sunday best when marching. The privileged Dems have gotten so accustomed to thinking that they are in charge that they continue to assume that they should be listened to as a matter of right and don’t need to stoop to showing respect for those on the other side, or are merely not entirely on board with the Team Dem agenda.
Needless to say, this does not bode well for effective opposition.