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by CHris Black

You will never be a woman Kristalina!


In a blog post ahead of this week’s World Economic Forum, IMF Managing Director Kristalina Georgieva said the global economy faces its “biggest test since the Second World War.”

In combining the Russia-Ukraine war, the Covid-19 pandemic and the spike in volatility in financial markets and persistent threat from climate change, the IMF said the world faces a “potential confluence of calamities.”

On a more serious note, both the so-called covid pandemic and the war in Ukraine are problems created artificially.

 I mean, the US/EU did not have to get involved in Ukraine, and the covid was a hoax, just the flu bro, as Bill Gates admitted recently.

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Also, global warming is a bigger hoax than the Sandy Hook shooting (just kidding).

 Basically, all these so-called crises are manufactured, and if you don’t get that everything is connected to WEF’s Great Reset, I don’t know what to tell you at this point.

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