Molly the magpie: Australia debates seizure of Insta-famous bird BBC


A Descendant’s Call for Whale Legal Personhood Atmos

Global Warming Is Slowing the Earth’s Rotation Scientific American

Planting trees in the wrong places could be contributing to global warming, study reveals EuroNews

Yes, beavers can help stop wildfires. And more places in California are embracing them LA Times. For more on beavers as “ecological engineers,” see here, here, here, and here.

Nobody Told EV Owners How Quickly They Burn Through Tires The Drive


COVID-Cautious Americans Feel Abandoned Time. It’s not a vibe. It’s true.

Clearing the Air Texas Observer. The deck: “Long COVID sufferers advocate for a healthier world.”


They know (see here). They just don’t want you to know.


Little-known Dubai prince who made a splash with US$500 million family office plan in Hong Kong postpones its opening at eleventh hour South China Morning Post

Xi Jinping tells US delegation China’s economy is ‘sound and sustainable’ South China Morning Post

BRICS Building Bloc in Africa Infobrics


Min Aung Hlaing talks tough as Myanmar’s armed forces face growing pressure Al Jazeera

Commentary: Conscription is pushing many in Myanmar to choose sides Channel News Asia


The battle that betrays Israel’s war plan FT. “The latest raid on a hospital comes as Israel’s closest allies, including the US, rapidly lose patience with Israel’s conduct during the war. At issue is not only the vast loss of life, widespread destruction, and the deepening humanitarian crisis inside Gaza, but also the abject lack of postwar planning.” This is silly. What we see is the post-war planning (until the real estate developers come in).

Israel agrees to reschedule delegation to discuss Rafah operation: White House The Hill. Who’s the vassal state here, anyhow?

Trucks, Piers, and Parachutes Will Not Solve Gaza’s Crisis RAND

Toward an Intellectual History of Genocide in Gaza The Baffler

Trade Unionists Shut Down UK Arms Factories Demanding Halt Of Arms Exports To Israel Defend Democracy Press

German bank freezes account of anti-Zionist Jewish association Anadolu Agency

Diaspora Bonds: Patriotism or Investment? (PDF) Capital Markets Law Journal

Dear Old Blighty

King lauds friendship ‘in time of need’ in first comments since princess’s diagnosis Guardian. “There will be a reduced number of members of the royal family present in order to avoid the health risks associated with large crowds.” Health risks? Large crowds? But why?

New Not-So-Cold War

As Russia attacks, Ukraine scrambles to dig enough trenches Politico

Expect more strikes ‘deeper and deeper’ into Russia, Ukraine’s spy chief tells ABC News ABC

Russia’s new river patrol force will likely have the same explosive problem battering its Black Sea Fleet, Western intel says Business Insider

Ukraine spy chief details assassination campaign against Ukrainians collaborating with Russia Independent

Russia-Ukraine latest: Putin responds to ‘drivel’ idea he will attack Poland and Czech Republic Sky News

Much of Putin’s inner circle thinks Ukraine had nothing to do with the Moscow terror attack, badly undermining him, report says Business Insider

What Ukraine Needs from NATO Foreign Affairs. Musical interlude.

EU ambassadors flinch at Ukraine free-trade compromise Politico


Haiti’s future governing council vows to restore ‘public and democratic order’ France24

Haiti Must Liberate Itself, Again Foreign Policy

‘A criminal economy’ Al Jazeera. Haiti’s, that is.

Baltimore’s Key Bridge Collapse

Feds Recently Hit Cargo Giant In Baltimore Disaster For Silencing Whistleblowers Lever News (antidlc).

Dali cargo ship suffered ‘severe electrical problem’ while docked in Baltimore days prior to bridge collapse crash that saw it suffer ‘total power failure, loss of engine failure’, port worker says Daily Mail

NTSB Releases “Black Box” Timeline of Baltimore Bridge Strike Maritime Executive. Informed speculation:

NTSB chair: Hazmat containers breached during bridge collapse The Hill

Titanic Law Helps Ship Owner Limit Bridge Collapse Liability Bloomberg

US supply chain task force to discuss Baltimore bridge collapse Reuters

Baltimore port bridge collapse: Global ocean carriers put U.S. companies on hook for urgent cargo pickup CNBC

The Baltimore Bridge Collapse Is Throwing the U.S. Coal Market for a Loop Heatmap

Singapore-flagged ship that struck Baltimore bridge passed previous inspections: MPA S&P Global. Many more commodities besides coal.

Baltimore bridge worker deaths highlight dangers of essential jobs The Hill. Ha ha. Remember “essential workers”? Good times.

Baltimore bridge collapse calls attention to the growing Latino labor force and the risks they face NBC

Digital Watch

Uber, but for Human Communication Crooked Timber

No installation required: how WebAssembly is changing scientific computing Nature

If Covid is over, why does ChatGPT censor it?

Plus, where is ChatGPT’s censorship policy documented? How is it implemented and maintained? What other topics are covered? Was the Censorship Industrial Complex involved? How about the Biden Administration/campaign team?

More doctors use ChatGPT to help with busy workloads, but is AI a reliable assistant? FOX

The Hidden History of Those Who Wrote the Christian Story Time

The Power of Pamphlets in the Anti-Slavery Movement JSTOR

The Final Frontier

Space is as cold and black as a squillionaire’s heart:


Puerto Rico health officials declare dengue fever a public health emergency, more than 500 cases reported FOX

Zeitgeist Watch

Human Remains Scattered On Disneyland Ride Prompts Closure, Horror Banning-Beaumont Patch

Class Warfare

The U.S. Is Witnessing A Considerable Growth In Strike Activity The Maple

Sega of America Union Workers Ratify Contract Less Than a Year After Recognition IGN

The USA, Greece, and Italy: An Anti-Fascist History The Anarchist Library

Daniel Kahneman, Who Plumbed the Psychology of Economics, Dies at 90 NYT

Antidote du jour (via):

See yesterday’s Links and Antidote du Jour here.

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This entry was posted in Guest Post, Links on by Lambert Strether.

About Lambert Strether

Readers, I have had a correspondent characterize my views as realistic cynical. Let me briefly explain them. I believe in universal programs that provide concrete material benefits, especially to the working class. Medicare for All is the prime example, but tuition-free college and a Post Office Bank also fall under this heading. So do a Jobs Guarantee and a Debt Jubilee. Clearly, neither liberal Democrats nor conservative Republicans can deliver on such programs, because the two are different flavors of neoliberalism (“Because markets”). I don’t much care about the “ism” that delivers the benefits, although whichever one does have to put common humanity first, as opposed to markets. Could be a second FDR saving capitalism, democratic socialism leashing and collaring it, or communism razing it. I don’t much care, as long as the benefits are delivered. To me, the key issue — and this is why Medicare for All is always first with me — is the tens of thousands of excess “deaths from despair,” as described by the Case-Deaton study, and other recent studies. That enormous body count makes Medicare for All, at the very least, a moral and strategic imperative. And that level of suffering and organic damage makes the concerns of identity politics — even the worthy fight to help the refugees Bush, Obama, and Clinton’s wars created — bright shiny objects by comparison. Hence my frustration with the news flow — currently in my view the swirling intersection of two, separate Shock Doctrine campaigns, one by the Administration, and the other by out-of-power liberals and their allies in the State and in the press — a news flow that constantly forces me to focus on matters that I regard as of secondary importance to the excess deaths. What kind of political economy is it that halts or even reverses the increases in life expectancy that civilized societies have achieved? I am also very hopeful that the continuing destruction of both party establishments will open the space for voices supporting programs similar to those I have listed; let’s call such voices “the left.” Volatility creates opportunity, especially if the Democrat establishment, which puts markets first and opposes all such programs, isn’t allowed to get back into the saddle. Eyes on the prize! I love the tactical level, and secretly love even the horse race, since I’ve been blogging about it daily for fourteen years, but everything I write has this perspective at the back of it.