It feels like old times. In the wake of the FBI raid on Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago club, the mainstream media are in a feeding frenzy the likes of which we haven’t seen since he exited the White House. The usual suspects, like the New York Times and Washington Post, which spent the four years of Trump’s presidency consistently and spectacularly beclowning themselves, are at it again.
Dare we say that it has “all the hallmarks” of media incompetence?
Take the Washington Post: Using its signature anonymous single-source style, it broke the alleged news that Trump was in possession of documents “related to nuclear weapons.” What exactly does that mean? Honestly, based on the Post’s coverage of Russiagate, when so many “bombshells” fizzled when the details emerged, you have to wonder if it’s the White House pastry chef’s recipe for nuclear chocolate cake.
The Times, meanwhile, informs us that Trump sought to send a secret message to Attorney General Merrick Garland, this according to — wait for it — “a person familiar with the exchange.” A person. This is basically the journalistic equivalent of “My cousin’s girlfriend knows a guy.”
Could these juicy details rushed into print turn out to be true? Maybe. Do the American people have good reason to believe they aren’t true given the recent track record of the liberal press? Absolutely.