PC gamers often cite the precision of a mouse and keyboard as an advantage over playing on a console. While a valid argument, there is something familiar about gaming with a controller. I do it when I play Halo Infinite on my desktop, and though I could probably score a slightly better kill-to-death ratio with a mouse and keyboard, using a controller feels more comfortable to me. Then there are the many games that simply play better with a controller (Halo, I recognize, isn’t one of them).

Now, Microsoft is adding another reason to use a controller on PC, and it’s taking a page from the Xbox Series X. As outlined in a blog post, Windows Insiders can now test an early preview of a feature called “controller bar,” which surfaces when you press the center Xbox button on the controller. A new view of the Xbox Game Bar, controller bar shows the three most recent games you played alongside three launchers (Stream, Origin, etc.) installed on your system.