After being outed as having requested a presidential pardon for his involvement in Trump’s coup attempt, Rep. Mo Brooks (R-AL) opened the door to cooperating with the 1/6 Committee.

Brooks tweeted a letter that he sent to the Committee:

In his letter, he tries to make several demands of the Committee, including that his deposition must be taken in public while the House is in session, it must only related matters involving 1/6, and only members of the Committee can question him.

The 1/6 Committee is redoing the subpoena for Rep. Brooks because they could not serve him the first one before it expired.

Mo Brooks isn’t in a position to dictate terms to the 1/6 Committee, but the fact that he is willing to testify after Trump abandoned him in the Alabama Senate primary suggests that some cracks may be forming in the wall of silence surrounding the coup accomplices.

Since there will be more 1/6 Committee hearings in July, it will be more difficult for Republicans like Brooks to run out the clock on the investigation.

Mo Brooks could tell the Committee a great deal, and it is certain that he will not be able to set the terms for his appearance.