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North Carolina Supreme Court Enacts a Full-Scale Judicial Coup

If you want to understand how FUGGED Up the USA now is, this is a scary stunning example.

The Assembly – a bicameral legislature controlled by the GOP wanted to pass amendments to the North Carolina Constitution, the main one being: Voter ID required.

The Dems control the State SC 4-3. ( but its looking like in Nov. it will flip to republican control. )

So here is the deal: The NAACP has sued the State of NC saying the GOP Assembly is composed of ‘racially gerrymandered’ districts. That case is going to the US Supreme Court.

On Friday, the North Carolina Supreme Court ruled 4-3 that the North Carolina Assembly has forfeited the Assembly’s Right to modify the North Carolina Constitution because the Assembly itself is not legitimate. because it is illegally racially gerrymandered.

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Apparently making up a new concept:

North Carolina Supreme Court: racially gerrymandered North Carolina General Assembly, as an unconstitutionally constituted legislature, did not have the power to propose amendments to the North Carolina Constitution.

Democrats across the country are completely out of control, and the only thing that’s going to stop this is voters putting Republicans in office at all levels. Judges have no right to proclaim entire branches of government illegitimate, curtailing their elected powers, for what are purely partisan reasons. These Democrats didn’t want voter ID enshrined, so they invented this ruling out of whole cloth, backed by absolutely nothing at all. It’s time to send them a message at the polls.

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h/t Gypo O’Leary


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