The Trumps lied when they claimed that they were giving the Secret Service a discount at their properties. They were actually charging five to six times more than the standard rate.
The Washington Post reported:
Former president Donald Trump’s company charged the Secret Service as much as five times more than the government rate for agents to stay overnight at Trump hotels while protecting him and his family, according to expense records newly obtained by Congress.
The records show that in 40 cases the Trump Organization billed the Secret Service far higher amounts than the approved government rate — in one case charging agents $1,185 a night to stay at the Trump International Hotel in D.C. The new billing documents, according to a congressional committee’s review, show that U.S. taxpayers paid the president’s company at least $1.4 million for Secret Service agents’ stays at Trump properties for his and his family’s protection.
The Trumps are so desperate to get back into the White House because not only will it stop the clock on the various lawsuits and prosecutions, but it will also turn the cash faucet back on as Trump can resume bleeding the taxpayers dry.
Donald Trump’s businesses are in the dumpster, and he is facing potential financial ruin in the civil lawsuit brought by the New York Attorney General. Bilking the taxpayers became the Trump family’s primary source of income.
Eric Trump and his family claimed that the taxpayers were being given discounts for the Secret Service being required to stay at Trump properties, but documents reveal that was a lie.
The 40 trips that are listed are just the tip of the iceberg. Trump visited one of his properties every 3.4 days as president and made more than 500 trips to his properties as president.
These numbers don’t include visits to Trump properties by his wife and children who also had Secret Service protection. The actual amount of the Trumps theft is likely in the tens of millions of dollars.
America’s first family of grift can never be allowed back into the White House.

Mr. Easley is the managing editor. He is also a White House Press Pool and a Congressional correspondent for PoliticusUSA. Jason has a Bachelor’s Degree in Political Science. His graduate work focused on public policy, with a specialization in social reform movements.
Awards and Professional Memberships
Member of the Society of Professional Journalists and The American Political Science Association