The story of Tutankhamun and his tomb still amazes us. Palaeopathologist Bob Brier’s new book is an accessible guide to the story, but doesn’t break new ground

Humans 2 November 2022

Tutankhamun’s tomb dazzled Howard Carter when he saw it for the first time

Nick Brundle Photography/Getty images

Tutankhamun and the Tomb that Changed the World

Bob Brier (Oxford University Press)

WE ARE so familiar with the story of the discovery of Tutankhamun’s 3300-year-old tomb that it has acquired an almost mythical status. On 26 November 1922, Howard Carter, a British archaeologist, broke through a sealed door under Egypt’s Valley of the Kings and poked his candle into the darkness beyond.

Luckily, it can bear repeating, and to coincide with the centenary of the find, …