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U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken is in South Africa on the first leg of an Africa trip. His first stop was a poignant one, as he visited a museum that commemorates a key moment in the anti-apartheid struggle.

Secretary Blinken visited the Hector Pieterson Museum and memorial in the township of Soweto, once home to South Africa’s first democratic president, Nelson Mandela, on Sunday.

The museum is named after Hector Pieterson, who was just 12 years old when he was shot and killed by police during the Soweto Uprising of 1976.

Blinken appeared to make reference to the United States’ own fight for racial equality when he addressed the news media after the visit.

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“Hector’s story is one that really resonates because we have our own struggle for freedom and equality in the United States,” said Blinken. “And South Africa’s story is unique but there are also so many commonalities, and that resonates powerfully.”

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